(Zucca's cube
if you don't want to speak about sex)

2 SexCubes

The natural 3D evolution of the Sexominoes, and the Polysexes in general, is this cube. The table below represents the number of cubes in function of the number of side-forms, when the forms are "simple" and symmetrical. If the order is odd, one of the side-forms is flat.

Order = side forms Nr. of cubes
1 1
2 10
3 57
4 240
5 800
6 2226
7 5390
8 11712
9 23355

The diagram below represents the ascii notation when the order is 5. Here there is a complete ascii table of the 800 Order 5 SexCubes, which could do a 3D puzzle of 10x10x8 cubes.

SexCubes - diagram

Below there is an example of Order 5 SexCubes:

SexCubes - Example

A modified sub-set of 27 pieces do a 3x3x3 puzzle:

Order 3 Zucca's Cube

Order 3 Zucca's Cube

This file contains the complete ascii list of the 27 sexcubes.

1st edition: 18 Apr 2000
| POLYSEXES | Sexominoes | Xominoes | SexeHexeS | More about SexeHexeS | How we did it | Other Sexehex Puzzle | Chronicle | My Solution | Zucca's Puzzle | Domino Puzzle |



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